The ASE 2024 Scientific Sessions: Online Library is Now Available

The ASE 2024 Scientific Sessions: Online Library is available to purchase in the ASE Learning Hub. Get unlimited online access for three years to recordings from the main six rooms from this year’s Scientific Sessions. The Library includes special sessions like the Echo World Cup; ShowCASE; and the Young Investigator’s and Sonographer Research Award Competitions. As a sneak peak, you can view the Feigenbaum and Edler lectures on ASE’s YouTube channel today. Live audio, screen capture with animation, mouse pointer, and embedded videos will be included from all sessions (excluding the DIY Workshops and Learning Labs). This product does not offer CME/MOC credit.

ASE members save $100! Remember to log in to your ASE Member Portal to receive the discounted member price of $299 ($399 for nonmembers)!

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