Specialty Interest Groups

Specialty Interest Groups (SIGs) support our members who have a like interest in specialized areas with growth potential in cardiovascular ultrasound. SIGs bring together ASE members with similar professional interests and areas of expertise, providing a forum for networking, knowledge sharing, and the development of SIG-specific programs and services within ASE.  Active SIG’s include:

Interested is joining a SIG?

  1. Log in to the ASE Portal.
  2. From the left menu, click “My Membership”, then “Councils/SIGs/Forums”.
  3. Scroll down, find the “Specialty Interest Groups” section, select all groups of interest.
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the page, click the green “Save” button.

Interested is starting a SIG?

  • Idea for a SIG can be initiated from any source.
  • Requires two (2) ASE members recognized in their specialized field as experts (i.e., these members need to hold the designations and specializations pertinent to their specific specialty) who are willing to take on leadership roles in the creation and development of the SIG.
  • The SIG leaders make a proposal to the ASE Executive Committee to start a new SIG.  The proposal should include how the SIG can further ASE’s strategic goals while representing a sector of the membership that would enhance ASE.  Eventually the SIG will need to show success in bringing in new members, and the number of new members is not just a reclassification of current members.

To submit a proposal, log in to your ASE member portal, then select “Membership” from the menu tab, then select “Specialty Interest Group.”

Contact SIGS@ASEcho.org if you have any questions.

The ASE Membership Pathway