Participate in ASE’s 2023 Trends Survey!

Chance to Win a $100 VISA Gift Card

In addition to supporting ASE’s mission of improving the practice of cardiovascular ultrasound for better patient outcomes, the ASE Trends Survey enables you to share your input on important issues about the ever-changing healthcare environment in the field of cardiovascular ultrasound. ASE values your input!

The survey covers topics including practice management, general equipment and workflow issues, specialized areas of practice, and new and emerging technologies and applications. The survey will be open until February 28. Please provide your name and email at the end of the survey to be entered into a drawing for the chance to win one of two $100 VISA gift cards.

We encourage you to share the survey link with other professionals in the echo community and post it on any non-ASE medical forums. The more who participate in the survey, the better—but remember—only ASE members receive the results! 

Always in Love with the Power of Echo

The February JASE includes, “Echocardiography Provides a Reliable Estimate of Total Cardiac Volume for Pediatric Heart Transplantation,” from Dr. Nicholas A. Szugye et al. Dr. Szugye said that, “Pediatric patients awaiting heart transplant face high mortality rates and donor organ utilization is suboptimal. Size matching donor and recipient using echocardiographic total cardiac volume is a scalable and precise method that can enable more heart transplants in a vulnerable population.”

Dr. Patricia A. Pellikka, JASE Editor-in-Chief, writes in her editorial, “The Left Atrium Makes Headlines,” that “the associations of LA enlargement with chronic diastolic dysfunction and increased mortality in various cardiac conditions have long been recognized. However, the LA’s active and complex relationship with total cardiac performance has only more recently become appreciated. This issue of JASE includes four important papers on LA remodeling and mechanics.”

In addition, other clinical investigations explore risk stratification by echo in pulmonary hypertension, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and strain, ultrasound enhancing agents in sickle cell disease, carotid plaque imaging and coronary artery disease, and pediatric and fetal echocardiography. A state-of-the-art review, which is the CME article for February from Dr. Jia Tao et al., looks at the role of the submitral apparatus in hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy. An invited commentary with lead author Dr. Vincent L. Sorrell addresses “Recognized and Unrecognized Value of Echocardiography in Guideline and Consensus Documents Regarding Patients With Chest Pain.” Several Brief Research Communications round out the issue.

The President’s Message, “The ASEF: Together, We Can Make a World of Difference,” from Stephen H. Little, MD, FASE, is co-authored with James N. Kirkpatrick, MD, FASE, the current chair of the ASE Foundation (ASEF). The authors note that the title encapsulates the mission of the ASEF, which aims to be the driving force for improving health for all through the use of cardiovascular ultrasound. The continuing education and meeting calendar outlines a multitude of learning options near and far.

ASE 2023 Registration & Housing Now Open!

Registration and housing for ASE’s 34th Annual Scientific Sessions are now open! Make plans to join us at the the Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center in National Harbor, Maryland, June 23-26, 2023.

ASE 2023 Program Chairs James Kirkpatrick, MD, FASE, and Madeline Jankowski, BS, RDCS, ACS, FASE, as well as the entire Scientific Sessions Program Committee, are pleased to present a comprehensive program that allows for plenty of time for individualized learning and networking opportunities.

Two Registration Options are Available:

  • ASE 2023 In-Person: Registration includes up to 29.75 CME/MOC credits. ASE Members who register by May 23, 2023, can save up to $225!
  • ASE 2023 Virtual: Registration includes live streaming from the main plenary room and up to 24.25 CME/MOC credits.

Download the Schedule at a Glance to explore more details of this exciting meeting and register today

There’s Still Time to Register for SOTA

Limited time remains to register for the 35th Annual State-of-the-Art Echocardiography live course in sunny Scottsdale, Arizona, February 18-20, 2023.

Join outstanding faculty at the beautiful Westin Kierland Resort and Spa property to learn the latest on structural heart disease, myocardial and pericardial disease, coronary artery disease, interventional echocardiography, and more!

Don’t miss Pfizer’s Science & Technology Theater on Sunday, February 19, 12:45 – 1:45 PM, titled Transthyretin Amyloid Cardiomyopathy (ATTR-CM): Evaluating Clinical Findings to Support Earlier Diagnosis and Management. Board Certified Cardiologist Roxana Ghashghaei, MD, will be the speaker.

A total of 31.75 AMA PRA Category 1 credits™ will be offered for the preconference Learning Lab (15 credits) and main course (16.75 credits). In addition to offering CME credits, this activity has been developed and registered with ACCME to provide MOC, MOC Part 2, and MOCA 2.0 credits in alignment with AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™. 

ASE 2023 Abstract Submission Deadline EXTENDED

There is still time to submit your abstract of original science or clinical cases for the ASE 2023 Scientific Sessions in National Harbor, Maryland, June 23-26, 2023. The deadline has been extended one week to Wednesday, February 15, 2023, 11:59 PM ET.

Begin your submission online today!  Presenters benefit from dedicated viewing times, a global audience that promotes future collaborative work, eligibility for travel support, and discounted conference registration rates. Visit the ASE 2023 Call for Science for more information

Recognizing ASE’s January 2023 GEMs

ASE’s GEM recognition program enables active ASE members to recognize fellow member peers and colleagues for their dedication to the field of cardiovascular ultrasound. Join us in congratulating ASE’s January 2023 GEMs and read more at

  • R. Brandon Stacey, MD, FASE, recognized by Mahesh Chandrasekhar, MD
  • Jennifer Mercandetti, BS, RDCS (AE, PE), ACS, FASE, recognized by Jose Banchs, MD, FASE
  • Jordan Strom, MD, FASE, recognized by Warren Manning, MD
  • Sandra Castilho, recognized by Jose Augusto de Almeida Barbosa
  • Jennifer Betz, BS, RDCS, FASE, recognized by Jennifer Warmsbecker, RDCS, BS, FASE
  • I B Rangga Wibhuti, MD, FIHA, FASE, recognized by Vianney Tedjamulia, MD, FIHA

Celebrate ASE members who are making the world a better place by submitting a GEM nomination. Nominate a healthcare colleague to recognize their outstanding mentorship to students or fellows, commitment to quality patient care, or congratulate them on a major accomplishment or milestone service anniversary. The deadline for submission is the 25th of each month to allow time for recognition the following month.  Recognize a fellow ASE member for Going the Extra Mile at

New ASE Guideline Focuses on Cardiac POCUS in Children

Cardiac point-of-care ultrasound has the potential to improve patient care, but its application to children requires consideration of anatomic and physiologic differences from adult populations, and corresponding technical aspects of performance. This new guideline, Recommendations for Cardiac Point-of-Care Ultrasound in Children, is the product of an American Society of Echocardiography task force composed of representatives from pediatric cardiology, pediatric critical care medicine, pediatric emergency medicine, pediatric anesthesiology, and others, assembled to provide expert guidance.

This diverse group aimed to identify common considerations across disciplines to guide evolution of indications, and to identify common requirements and infrastructure necessary for optimal performance, training, and quality assurance in the practice of cardiac point-of-care ultrasound in children. The recommendations presented are intended to facilitate collaboration among subspecialties and with pediatric echocardiography laboratories by identifying key considerations regarding (1) indications, (2) imaging recommendations, (3) training and competency assessment, and (4) quality assurance. Read more here.

Echo VOL | 12 Issue 1

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Urgent Call to Action – Support ASE Representation on Vital Issues by Joining the AMA!

ASE is working hard to ensure your voice is heard on issues related to legislative matters, regulatory issues, coding and reimbursement. To do so, ASE must maintain the Society’s seat in the American Medical Association (AMA) House of Delegates. To qualify, 25% of ASE’s U.S. physician members must also be members of the AMA.

As a member of the House of Delegates, ASE:

  • Helps sets the legislative and regulatory priorities for the AMA.
  • Has full delegate status which provides ASE with full representation before CPT/RUC.
    • This has contributed to some of ASE’s more recent, substantial advocacy successes.

For more detailed information please read: The ABC’s of Payment for Cardiovascular Ultrasound Services and Why the AMA Matters .

To help ASE reach this critical goal, click here.

We urge you to join the AMA today to help us ensure that echo has a voice!

Webinar: How to Publish in JASE & Plans from the New EIC

January 26, 2023, 6:00 – 7:00 PM ET

Make plans to attend ASE’s next webinar on Thursday, January 26, 2023, 6:00 – 7:00 PM ET. Learn about what the future holds for JASE under the direction of its fourth Editor-in-Chief Patricia A. Pellikka, MD, FASE. The presentation is pre-recorded with a live Q&A session to follow. This webinar does not offer CME, and both members and nonmembers can attend for free.

Register now!