Marching On to the Beat: A JASE Focus Issue

The March issue of JASE is entirely focused on the echocardiographic assessment of the right heart. It includes a new Society guideline, “Guidelines for the Echocardiographic Assessment of the Right Heart in Adults and Special Considerations in Pulmonary Hypertension: Recommendations from the American Society of Echocardiography.” The writing group was led by Drs. Monica Mukherjee and Lawrence Rudski.

This issue’s original investigations incorporate a variety of topics including length indexing for right ventricular function, tricuspid regurgitation, exercise echocardiography, and sex differences in right heart size in pulmonary hypertension. Regarding his original investigation, “Association With Outcomes of Correcting the Proximal Isovelocity Surface Area Method to Quantitate Secondary Tricuspid Regurgitation,” lead author Michele Tomaselli, MD, remarks, “The PISA method, when adjusted for the leaflets of the tricuspid valve and the low velocities of the regurgitant jet, improves its overall accuracy and prediction of outcomes, particularly in cases of ventricular secondary tricuspid regurgitation.” Editorial comments accompany three of these original investigations, addressing proximal isovelocity surface area correction in tricuspid regurgitation, atrial secondary tricuspid regurgitation, and assessment of RV function in patients with and without tricuspid regurgitation. Two brief research communications discuss prognostic value of right ventricular dysfunction in dilated cardiomyopathy and quantification of lung perfusion by a novel echocardiographic approach in pediatric pulmonary vein stenosis. Rounding out this issue is a letter to the editor about artificial intelligence-based detection of tent-like signs in intracardiac echocardiography to assist transseptal puncture.

Guest written by Susan E. Wiegers, MD, FASE, this month’s President’s Message honors the beautiful life and legacy of James N. Kirkpatrick, MD, FASE.

A new call for papers is now open! A focus issue on chamber quantification is set for publication in early 2026. Papers that address any aspect of echocardiography in quantitative assessment of the cardiac chambers should be submitted by June 1, 2025. Please direct questions to JASE managing editor Debbie Meyer at

Tune into our Author Spotlight page for interviews between JASE Editor-in-Chief Patricia Pellikka, MD, FASE, and authors of recently published papers. February’s interview features Kevin M. Harris, MD, FASE, discussing his paper, “Rate of Ascending Aortic Enlargement in a Large Echocardiographic Cohort: Associated Risk Factors and Adverse Aortic Events.”
Please see the March ASE Education Calendar for a listing of educational opportunities far and wide

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