Local Societies

ASE is eager to partner with local societies in the United States to promote and collaborate on educational activities and events. We hope to serve as a resource for established local societies while also offering tools for those wanting to build their own local efforts.

This is a new ASE initiative in 2025, and we look forward to sharing more updates soon.

If you are an individual seeking involvement in a local society, please see the directory below. If you do not see your local society listed here and you would like it to be, please contact Caroline Ward at CWard@asecho.org.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss opportunities for partnership, please contact Caroline Ward at CWard@asecho.org.

Local Societies listed by state, alphabetically

State Society Name Resources
Alabama North Alabama Cardiovascular Ultrasound Society Facebook
Arizona The Arizona Society of Echocardiography Website | Contact PageLinkedIn
California Bay Area Society for Echocardiography Website | Email
California Los Angeles Society of Echocardiography Website | Contact Page | Facebook | LinkedIn
California San Diego Society of Echocardiography Website | Facebook | Email
California Society of Southern California Pediatric Echocardiography Website | Email
Connecticut Connecticut Society of Echocardiography (CTSE) Facebook | LinkedIn | Email
Delaware Delaware Valley Echo Society Website
Florida Northeast Florida Echo Society Website | Contact Page | Facebook | LinkedIn | X
Illinois Central Illinois Society of Echocardiography LinkedIn
Maryland Greater Baltimore Area Echo Society Facebook
Michigan Michigan Society of Echocardiography Website
New England New England Society of Echocardiography Website | Facebook | LinkedIn | Email
New York Capital Area Society of Echocardiography (CASE) Facebook | Email
New York New York Pediatric Society Website
North Carolina Charlotte Society of Echocardiography Website | Facebook | LinkedIn | Email
North Carolina North Carolina Ultrasound Society Website | Facebook | LinkedInEmail
Ohio Greater Dayton Ultrasound Society Facebook
Ohio North Ohio Cardiac Imaging Association (NOCIA) Website | Contact Page | Facebook | Email
Oregon Willamette Valley Society of Echocardiography Facebook | LinkedIn
Pennsylvania The Pennsylvania Association for Sonographers Website
South Carolina South Carolina Society of Echocardiography (SCSE) Website | Facebook | LinkedIn | Email
Texas Greater Houston Society of Echo-Vascular (GHSEV) Website | Contact Page | Facebook | X
Utah Utah Echo Society Facebook
Wisconsin Chicagoland Society of Echocardiography Website | Contact Page | Facebook | LinkedIn
Wisconsin Technological Echocardiography Association of Milwaukee (TEAM) Facebook | LinkedIn | Email