ASE Endorsement Policy

ASE Endorsement Policy

ASE Clinical Guidelines Endorsement Policy 


ASE supports collaborating with other medical societies that develop clinical practice guidelines, appropriate use criteria, position statements and other communications related to echocardiographic imaging. ASE views collaboration as an opportunity to harmonize and improve the delivery of patient care and advancing cardiovascular ultrasound to improve lives. 

Guidelines produced by other organizations are considered for endorsement on topics that are relevant to the society and its membership if the guidelines meet the basic criteria for review, including medical / scientific soundness, alignment with ASE policy, and alignment with the ASE strategic plan.  

At ASE’s Executive Committee’s discretion, requests for review of all clinical guidance documents submitted may not be granted. Documents submitted and reviewed are not guaranteed endorsement, and endorsement does not guarantee publication in JASE. 

ASE’s endorsement entails a formal review by the Guidelines and Standards Committee to determine appropriateness for ASE’s endorsement and approval by ASE’s Executive Committee. 

External organizations sometimes approach ASE requesting review and endorsement for guidelines they have developed without ASE’s input. However, the likelihood for the document to be considered is increased by ASE’s involvement in, and knowledge of, the development of the document.   

Organizations may submit their guidelines to ASE for consideration of endorsement and must complete ASE’s Endorsement LOA. 

Clinical guidelines developed by external organizations relevant to patient care in cardiovascular ultrasound may be categorized as: 

  • Endorsed – the guideline meets ASE’s criteria for endorsement; ASE fully endorses the guideline. 
    • ASE representation on writing committee with at least 1 member (appointed by ASE Executive Committee) 
    • ASE participated in peer review of final document 
    • Organization provided written response to ASE peer review comments and provided final document for review 
  • Affirmation of Value - the guideline does not meet the requirements for full endorsement, or ASE cannot endorse all recommendations, but the guideline provides some benefit in improving the delivery of patient care as it relates to advancing cardiovascular ultrasound; 
  • Not Endorsed – ASE does not endorse the guideline.  

If ASE fully endorses the document: 

  • ASE may disseminate the document to its members with the permission of the primary organization. 
  • ASE may request permission to publish all, a portion of or a summary of the document on the ASE website or a link to the article after publication of the article by the primary organization. 

The requesting organization should submit a request to ASE Guidelines staff with the final manuscript.