January 1999
Echocardiography in Emergency Medicine: A Policy Statement by the American Society of Echocardiography and the American College of Cardiology
Echocardiography in Emergency Medicine: A Policy Statement by the American Society of Echocardiography and the American College of Cardiology

In summary, to enhance access to services, ensure quality control, and maximize benefit to patients, the American Society of Echocardiography (ASE) and the American College of Cardiology (ACC) recommend that all EM departments,in collaboration with appropriately trained (Training Level 2 or 3) persons and the laboratories in their institution, establish an effective system for the performance of echocardiography that conforms to ACC/ASE guidelines and includes the following: 1. Readily available, high-quality echocardiographic equipment should be used. 2. An effective program of continuous quality improvement, adequate record-keeping, and storage and retrieval facilities should be used to permit full archiving and review of EM echocardiographic studies. 3. Echocardiographic laboratory extenders, sonographers, or physicians with Level 1 training in echocardiography who can assist with emergent image acquisition should potentially be used. 4. Physicians who meet current guidelines for independent echocardiographic interpretation (Level 2 or 3 training) should be available to perform and interpret EM studies.