January 2021
ASE Statement on Adapting Pediatric, Fetal, and Congenital Heart Disease Echocardiographic Services to the Evolving COVID-19 Pandemic
ASE Statement on Adapting Pediatric, Fetal, and Congenital Heart Disease Echocardiographic Services to the Evolving COVID-19 Pandemic

This Statement offers updated information and guidance for providing echocardiography services in light of improved understanding of COVID-19 risks and course in our pediatric, congenital heart disease, and fetal cardiology patients.
Referral for fetal echo may be gradually reintroduced to pre-pandemic norms, with the addition of telemedicine as an essential and valuable tool.
MIS-C is frequently associated with cardiac abnormalities, with echo playing a vital role in assessment for abnormal ventricular function by ejection fraction and strain imaging, valvulitis, coronary artery dilation, intra-cardiac thrombus, or pericardial effusion.
Essential trainee education in pediatric, congenital and fetal echo is feasible with stringent attention to PPE, incorporation of remote learning, thoughtful patient selection, and the use of scan protocols.
Excellent communication, focused but thorough scan protocols, PPE, and flexible scheduling are essential for successful lab workflow and sonographer well-being.
- Altman, Carolyn A.