Fellows of the American Society of Echocardiography exemplify excellence in the field of cardiovascular ultrasound through education, research, leadership, and volunteerism. They are ambassadors for ASE and recognized experts in their field. Individuals who achieve Fellowship status in ASE enjoy these many benefits:
- Entitlement to use designation of Fellow (FASE) on business cards, curriculum vitae and other professional documents
- Recognition as a new FASE member at ASE’s Annual Business Meeting during the ASE Scientific Sessions
- Recognition in an The Echo eNewsletter the month after receiving FASE.
- Potential ability to command increased compensation. ASE survey results show FASE status can result in a higher pay scale (ASE 2010 Sonographer Survey)
- Ability to serve in ASE’s premier volunteer positions. FASE fulfills a criteria for being nominated to ASE’s board of directors, or appointed to serve as a committee chair
- Ability to be located by the public. As a public service, FASEs are listed by state on ASE’s public information website: SeeMyHeart.org
- Ability to promote your status. FASE members receive a FASE certificate to display in their office
- FASE recognition on name badges at ASE meetings
- FASE credential used when speaking at an ASE meeting
- FASE lapel pin to wear on their attire and ribbons at ASE meetings
- Access to special events like early-bird registration and access to the FASE lounge at the ASE Scientific Sessions for unique networking and VIP amenities