How do I reset my password?
Click here to reset your password.
How do I access my membership card?
You can download your current ASE membership card in your portal by selecting Purchases>Memberships>ID Card.
Are membership dues tax deductible?
Membership dues may be tax deductible as a business expense. Advocacy efforts comprise approximately 6% of the member dues rate and are therefore not tax deductible.
How long is my membership?
Memberships run on a calendar year, January through December. Typically, if you join after August 31, your membership is considered active through the following year. Renewal notices are mailed in October.
Can I cancel my ASE membership?
Paid ASE memberships are non-refundable and non-transferrable.
How do I get involved in ASE?
ASE Council, Specialty Interest Group and Forums are free for members. Sign up today to join the conversation. Looking to volunteer? Sign up to be a Focus Volunteer today!
Do you sell or trade my phone, fax, or email address?
ASE does not sell or trade that information from its membership database.
How do I access ASE education materials?
The ASE Learning Hub hosts a variety of educational content and offerings of free and discounted CME to ASE members.
What if I don’t receive a printed issue of the Journal?
Not all membership types receive printed Journals. Please confirm that your subscription type in your profile by selecting Purchases>Subscriptions. If you received print copies of the JASE you will see Print JASE listed. All members have access to online JASE. Please contact us at to report your missing issues.
When does the Journal get mailed out?
The journal is mailed at the beginning of the month. It can take up to three weeks in the U.S. or up to seven weeks for international members.