Access GE Healthcare’s Strain Imaging in Echocardiography Series in the ASE Learning Hub

This activity has received a 5-star user rating!

ASE is pleased to announce that the full series of 10 episodes of GE Healthcare Vivid Learning Academy’s “Strain Imaging in Echocardiography” is now available in the ASE Learning Hub.

This resource is free to all active ASE members to access for the next two years. The series features pioneers in the field of strain imaging sharing their experience, as well as tips and tricks. Episodes range from basics and applications to using strain in disease diagnosis.

If You Have Not Yet Renewed Your Membership for 2024, Now is the Time!

There is approximately one month left to renew your ASE membership for 2024! ASE offers three easy ways to renew:

  1. Online: Log in to your ASE Member Portal.
  2. Electronic or Mailed Invoice: Check your email inbox and mailbox for electronic and mailed invoices next week.
  3. Phone: Call 919-861-5574 and press “1” for the Membership Department.

If you need assistance with renewing your membership, please contact the ASE Membership Department by email or using the phone number listed above. Additional information for renewing your membership can be found at

P.S. If you renew before December 31, 2023, you will receive a special 2024 ASE Echo Image Calendar!

Read the November Echo Magazine

The November 2023 Echo magazine is now online! This issue contains interesting articles written by ASE members, including:

Published monthly, Echo magazine offers an outlet for ASE members to contribute articles or images related to cardiovascular ultrasound that are not research-related. We are already accepting article submissions for next year! The deadline to submit articles for the February 2024 issue is December 15. Review author submission guideline requirements and read past issues at Email

GivingTuesday 2023 Update: Donate through Dec. 2

The ASE Foundation is ecstatic to share that as of 3:00 PM this afternoon, 96 people have already contributed to our GivingTuesday fundraiser and so far, we have raised $34,306. Thank you very much for showing your support of the ASE Foundation. We are accepting donations until December 2, so if you haven’t done so yet – it’s not too late to donate!

We would like to extend a special thank you to our GivingTuesday champions whose early pledges totaled over $4,000, helping to kick off our fundraiser: Karla Kurrelmeyer, MD, FASEBharatbhushan Patel, RDCS, RVS, RDMS, FASENeha Soni-Patel, MEd, BSME, RCCS, RDCS (AE/PE), FASEAndrea Van Hoever, MSGH; and Susan Wiegers, MD, FASE. And a special thank you to the Patel Family Foundation for their generous contribution of $10,000!

When you give, let us know what inspired your contribution on social media. Remember to tag @ASE360 and include #GivingTuesday. Thank you for showing us that supporting the future of cardiovascular ultrasound is #YourPriority. Together, we will continue to make a world of difference.

ASE 2023 Black Friday Sale

Save on Select ASE Educational Products this Black Friday!
November 22, 10:00 AM ET – November 25, 9:00 AM ET

Shop the Black Friday catalog in ASE’s Learning Hub! Each item is automatically discounted in ASE’s Learning Hub, so no coupon code is required. The Black Friday deals are in addition to the discounts ASE members already receive as a benefit of membership. Be sure to log in to the ASE Member Portal for the lowest prices.

Guideline Reference Spiral
Save 10%

The Guideline Reference Spiral consists of graphic illustrations of ASE’s most popular Guidelines.

Member Price: $135.00             Non-member Price: $195.00
Member Discount: $121.50      Non-member Discount: $175.50


Bundle of Valve Pocket Guidelines (6 Valvular Pocket Guides)Bundle of Pocket Guidelines (All 10 Pocket Guides)
Save 20%

A set of 10 3″ x 4″ pocket-sized flip books made up of charts and illustrations from ASE Guidelines.

Member Price: $95.00                Non-member Price: $105.00
Member Discount: $76.00         Non-member Discount: $84.00


Echocardiography Formula Review Guide BUNDLE: Volumes 1, 2 & 3Echocardiography Formula Review Guide Bundle: Volumes 1, 2, & 3
Save 5%

These 6″ x 8″ spiral-bound handheld guides include a total of 49 pages of formulas, diagrams, and charts covering various topics.

Member Price: $85.00                Non-member Price: $135.00
Member Discount: $80.75         Non-member Discount: $128.25


Comprehensive Echocardiography Textbook 3rd EditionASE’s Comprehensive Echocardiography 3rd Edition
Save 5%

This textbook covers the full spectrum of sonography of the heart–from basic foundations and principles to all clinical aspects–in one authoritative, definitive clinical resource.

Member Price: $229.99                Non-member Price: $249.99
Member Discount: $218.49         Non-member Discount: $237.49


ASE’s Comprehensive Strain Imaging TextbookASE’s Comprehensive Strain Imaging Textbook
Save 5%

Written by international ASE experts, this textbook will be your go-to guide for everything related to strain technique and application.

Member Price: $179.99                Non-member Price: $214.99
Member Discount: $170.99        Non-member Discount: $204.24


Guideline Flip Chart: Valve Poster Bundle (Set of 4)Bundle of Valve Posters
Save 10%

A bundle of four 24″ x 30″ posters covering valvular topics including: aortic valve stenosis, aortic regurgitation, mitral regurgitation, and tricuspid and pulmonic regurgitation.

Member Price: $80.00                Non-member Price: $120.00
Member Discount: $72.00         Non-member Discount: $108.00

November 2023 CASE

The latest issue of CASE is now available with intriguing reports, including “The Sword and the Crown: Echocardiography for the Detection of a Rare Combination of Congenital Heart Disease” by Akingbade et al. Author Jeremy A. Slivnick, MD, FACC, FASE, remarked, “We present a case of partial anomalous pulmonary venous return with Scimitar Syndrome and persistent left superior vena cava which was incidentally detected by transthoracic echocardiography in a young female patient. Our case highlights the importance of careful sonographic evaluation for shunt lesions—including anomalous pulmonary venous return—whenever unexplained right heart enlargement is present. Additionally, passage of saline contrast bubbles into the coronary sinus prior to the right ventricle on left arm injection is confirmatory of persistent left superior vena cava.”

In a second Congenital Heart Disease report, authors utilize expert fetal echocardiography skills to evaluate an atrial mass that could have easily been misinterpreted. This issue contains two cases in Multimodality Imaging, including reports on the strengths and weaknesses of multimodality imaging in an investigation of rare pericardial tumors, and the migration of an atrial septal defect closure device to the pulmonary artery of a pregnant patient. Cardiac Tumors and Pseudotumors offers two serial imaging studies demonstrating the usefulness of radio-, targeted molecular-, and immune-therapies in the complete resolution of large masses. In a letter to the editor, authors provide additional 3D echo insights to consider when examining the LAA. Dr. Sorrell’s editorial discusses the normality of false chords and suggests reporting must evolve in accordance with improved imaging capabilities, which can now detect previously hidden anatomic variations.

Looking for a journal to submit your case report to? We want to hear from you! Email us with questions or submit your report today. Be sure to check out the latest Sonographer Sound-Off and Unlock the CASE features on the CASE Homepage to view more extraordinary work from your colleagues.

Need to Earn CME/MOC Before the End of the Year?

The end-of-year CME/MOC submission deadline is fast approaching! ASE’s accredited activities provide MOC points that meet ABIM, ABA, and ABP Maintenance of Certification program requirements and ARDMS and CCI registry requirements. As a benefit of ASE membership, you have access to over 25 free CME/MOC activities AND we will automatically transfer your CME credits to your specialty board. 

For credits or points to be counted towards the 2023 year, activities must be completed no later than December 1, 2023 for ABP and December 31, 2023 for ABA, ABIM, ARDMS, and CCI.

Don’t wait until the end of the year. Check your specialty board account online and make sure your ASE credits have been successfully transferred.

If you need CME credits or MOC points, log in to the ASE Learning Hub and start earning credits today.

Please email for questions or assistance. 

Watch for Invitations to Complete New AMA Survey to Document Changes in Physician Practice Expense

The American Medical Association (AMA) is undertaking a new national survey to collect representative data on physician practice expenses. The aim of the Physician Practice Information (PPI) Survey is to better understand the costs faced by today’s physician practices to support physician payment advocacy.

Watch for invitations to complete this survey in your email inbox (remember to check spam/junk folders):

  • Invitations and reminders about the survey will come from with the subject line: “American Medical Association requests your input on physician practice expense and patient care hours.
  • Invitations and reminders about physician hours worked will come from with the subject line: “Please help to update accurate physician payments.

Your input will ensure future accurate valuation.

What is #YourPriority this GivingTuesday?

The ASE Foundation needs your help to reach its highest ever GivingTuesday fundraising goal of $35,000. When you make your GivingTuesday contribution, allocate your funds towards the initiative that aligns most with your priorities!

Your donations to our Research initiative allow the Foundation to support the progress and future of our field through investment in the discovery process and in the careers of investigators, like 2023 Brian Haluska Sonographer Research Award Competition Winner, Nicole Guerrera, RDCS.

If supporting the discovery process of cardiovascular ultrasound investigators is #YourPriority, allocate your GivingTuesday donation to the ASE Foundation’s Research initiative. Funding in this area preserves dedicated time for investigators through research grants, and also creates opportunities for researchers to interact with global experts in cardiovascular ultrasound, building relationships that lead to future research and professional collaborations.

Donations will be accepted November 26 – December 2. Contact the Foundation at with any questions.

Register for ASE’s 2024 Echo Hawaii by December 14 for the Best Price

Save up to $225!

Embrace the “Aloha Spirit” at ASE’s 33rd Annual Echo Hawaii, taking place January 15-19, 2024, on the Kohala Coast, Big Island, Hawaii. New this year, we have moved the location of the course to the Fairmont Orchid, a luxurious, family-friendly resort that sits on 32 oceanfront acres and offers various amenities such as a pool, golf course, and tennis center. Echo Hawaii features endless opportunities for adventure, wellness, and education!

This year’s program focuses on the application of advanced cardiovascular imaging technologies in the clinical setting and includes special sessions on clinical dilemmas and technology-based workshops.

Early registration ends December 14! Remember to log in to the ASE Member Portal before purchasing to also receive your member discount.