ASE Requests Public Comment on Upcoming Guideline

An upcoming guideline from the American Society of Echocardiography (ASE) is accepting public comments regarding the, “Guidelines for the Standardization of Adult Echocardiographic Reporting: Recommendations for the American Society of Echocardiography“. This document provides an update to the previously published 2002 guideline on the required components for a comprehensive echocardiography report. Once the guideline is completed, it will be published in the Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography.

Guideline Overview:
This document focuses on the final phases of the imaging life cycle, specifically reporting and communicating exam results. Additionally, this guideline delineates core measurements and statements applicable to transthoracic, transesophageal, and stress echocardiography. It also elucidates abbreviations, acronyms, terminology, and definitions to enhance communication across various echocardiography (echo) labs, institutions, and healthcare systems.

Public Comment Purpose:
The aim of the public comment period is to offer involvement and engagement in the guideline development process. This will help ensure that our guideline recommendations provides comprehensive standardization of adult echocardiographic reporting.

The authors and The American Society Echocardiography (ASE) seek feedback from our constituents to gain impartial input regarding key recommendations.

Disclaimer: All documents and materials produced by ASE are protected under intellectual property rights. Unauthorized distribution, duplication, or use of any such materials is strictly prohibited.

The manuscript and tables are Copyright ©️ 2025 American Society of Echocardiography. All Rights Reserved.


Public Comment Form


Instructions for Submitting Comments:

    • Deadline: All comments must be received by March 31, 2025. Comments received after March 31st will not be accepted.
    • Anonymity: All comments received will remain anonymous.
    • Do not distribute or publish: This guideline is confidential and embargoed until publication.
    • Eligibility: ASE Members, Members of Collaborating Societies, and Industry Partners
    • Format: Limit responses to 250 characters per question
    • Submission Methods:
      • Comments may be submitted electronically ONLY through this Public Comment Form.
      • Comments will not be accepted by email.
      • You will not receive a response to your comments.
      • Comments received by March 31st will be carefully considered, however, there is no guarantee that comments will be included in the guideline.
    • Content:
      • This document is a DRAFT. Please refrain from grammatical and/or editorial comments.
      • Do not leave any questions blank. Insert ‘N/A’ if you choose not to answer a question.
      • Be respectful and constructive in your responses.
      • Focus on the specific issues.
      • Provide any supporting information (e.g., scholarly literature) that can help us understand your perspective.
    • Confidentiality: We reserve the right to make comments public, therefore, refrain from including personal or classified information.
    • Citations: Comments that include non-scholarly or unpublished documents will not be accepted.
    • Submission: Click the ‘Submit’ button at the bottom of the form once you have completed the questionnaire.


Draft to Review:Adult Echo Reporting Standard GL_Public Comment


Tables referenced in Draft:

Adult Echo Reporting Standard GL Tables_Public Comment


Public Comment Form

ASE thanks you for your participation!

NOTE: If you have trouble responding to the public comment form please email

New CPT Code 0932T for Noninvasive Detection of Heart Failure

ASE AdvocacyEffective January 1, 2025, the new CPT code 0932T – Noninvasive detection of heart failure derived from augmentative analysis of an echocardiogram that demonstrated preserved ejection fraction, with interpretation and report by a physician or other qualified health care professional will replace the previous HCPCS outpatient code C9786.

This code will be available for use in both the physician office and hospital outpatient settings. Additionally, this service will continue to be covered in the hospital inpatient setting using the New Technology Add-on Payment (NTAP) code XXE2X19.

Questions about coding? ASE provides members access to a coding expert. Log in to your ASE Member Portal and click “Advocacy,” then “Ask A Coding Expert” to submit your questions.

CORRECTION Made to 2024 Guideline

Guidelines and Recommendations for Targeted Neonatal Echocardiography and Cardiac Point-of-Care Ultrasound in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

A correction was published in the Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography (JASE) as an Article in Press on April 25, 2024, for the guideline entitled, “Guidelines and Recommendations for Targeted Neonatal Echocardiography and Cardiac Point-of-Care Ultrasound in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.”

The correction has been made to both the guideline article in JASE and the PDF on ASE’s guideline webpage. Read the Article in Press.

American Society of Echocardiography Recognizes 2024 Industry Roundtable Partners

Contact: Angie Porter

IRT Partners

DURHAM, NC, April 8, 2024)—The American Society of Echocardiography (ASE) is pleased to recognize 17 Industry Roundtable (IRT) Partners for 2024.

This represents a significant milestone and the largest number of IRT Partners in the program’s decades-long history. The ASE IRT program is a partnership between industry, practitioners, and scientists with the shared objectives of improving patient care through improving the quality of cardiovascular ultrasound imaging. These partnerships also help shape and impact the future of the field toward outcomes-driven innovations.

2024 ASE IRT Partners include:

G. Burkhard Mackensen, MD, PhD, FASE, Chair of the ASE Industry Relations Committee said, “The ASE Industry Roundtable Partners create invaluable alliances which foster the development of informed cardiovascular professionals, cutting-edge technology and products, standardized procedures, and more favorable legislative environments. Our partners fuel ASE’s programmatic efforts in advancing strategic initiatives within echocardiography, encompassing areas such as quality, standardization, automation, research, outreach, and beyond.”

For more information on ASE’s IRT Program visit

Help us Help YOU to Update Medicare Physician Payment!

The American Medical Association (AMA) Physician Practice Information (PPI) Survey is nearing completion (June 30), and we urgently need all selected physicians to actively engage in this effort.
Your Help is Needed for the AMA Survey

Today an email was sent to 500 practices for the first time from to join the survey. Mathematica, a well-regarded consulting firm, is helping the AMA run this survey. Your practice may receive an email and a USPS mail packet from Mathematica that contains a link to the survey as well as supporting information. We urge you to speak with your practice management colleagues to determine if they have received these communications and ask them to complete this important survey.

The intent of the survey, which has been endorsed by over 170 medical societies and other healthcare associations, is to collect updated and accurate data on practice costs which are key element of physician payment. These data have not been updated since last collected over 15 years ago. It is critically important to update these data to ensure accurate payment.

In the coming weeks or months, you may be asked to complete this two-minute survey. Help us help YOU to update Medicare physician payment.

Online Now: CASE Special Issue on ACHD

CASE Special Issue on ACHD

The CASE editorial team is pleased to announce that the Special Issue on Adult Congenital Heart Disease, with current ASE President, and pediatric cardiologist, Benjamin W. Eidem, MD, FASE, as guest editor is available today! Vincent L. Sorrell, MD, FASE, CASE Editor-in-Chief, notes that, “Congenital heart disease is the most common birth defect diagnosed in nearly 1% of all U.S. births. Two-thirds of this population are now over 18 years old due to advances in medical and surgical care. In fact, every year there are nearly 20,000 new ACHD patients. I think you will agree when you read this collection of reports that there are many examples provided in one place to help educate your colleagues, sonographers, trainees, and students wherever you work. We are so thankful for the many authors who took the time to provide their case reports for us to learn from.”

This Special Issue provides over 30 high-quality cases to explore on common and uncommon imaging findings that encompass typical and atypical presentations of patients encountered in an adult echocardiography lab.  The cases include descriptions of a wide range of congenital heart diseases, provide steps in image acquisition unique to the pathology and repair, describe the incremental role for collaborative multimodality imaging, and educate through patient examples using fascinating figures and videos you will undoubtedly keep on hand for future reference.

CASE is ASE’s open access journal allowing you to share these reports with colleagues across the globe.

ASE Releases Two New Guidelines to Kick Off American Heart Month

Two-dimensional strain echocardiography

February is American Heart Month and ASE has released two new guidelines:

Read the two new guidelines on our Guidelines web page.

ASE and ASEF Treasurer Cynthia Taub, MD, MBA named Edward C. Reifenstein Professor of Medicine and Chair of the Department of Medicine at Upstate Medical University


We extend our congratulations to ASE and ASEF Treasurer Cynthia Taub, MD, MBA for being named Edward C. Reifenstein Professor of Medicine and Chair of the Department of Medicine at Upstate Medical University!

View the press release from Upstate Medical University here.

Join Us for Twitter Journal Club on March 14

Twitter Journal Club

On March 14 at 8 PM ET, interact with your colleagues as ASE’s Twitter Journal Club reviews the newest guideline, Recommendations for Cardiac Point-of-Care Ultrasound in Children: A Report from the American Society of Echocardiography

Register for the Twitter Journal Club here!

CME/MOC Information:

  • 1.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ (Pending Approval)


Guest Authors:

Learning Objectives:

1. Define the appropriate uses and indications for cardiac POCUS in pediatric patients.
2. Specify the technical considerations and equipment required to perform cardiac POCUS in children.
3. Outline the imaging views which should be included in a POCUS study.
4. Describe the minimum requirements for training and quality assurance to sustain a pediatric cardiac POCUS program.

Follow @ASE360 and use the hashtag, #ASEchoJC for all tweets.


New ASE Guideline Focuses on Cardiac POCUS in Children

Cardiac point-of-care ultrasound has the potential to improve patient care, but its application to children requires consideration of anatomic and physiologic differences from adult populations, and corresponding technical aspects of performance. This new guideline, Recommendations for Cardiac Point-of-Care Ultrasound in Children, is the product of an American Society of Echocardiography task force composed of representatives from pediatric cardiology, pediatric critical care medicine, pediatric emergency medicine, pediatric anesthesiology, and others, assembled to provide expert guidance.

This diverse group aimed to identify common considerations across disciplines to guide evolution of indications, and to identify common requirements and infrastructure necessary for optimal performance, training, and quality assurance in the practice of cardiac point-of-care ultrasound in children. The recommendations presented are intended to facilitate collaboration among subspecialties and with pediatric echocardiography laboratories by identifying key considerations regarding (1) indications, (2) imaging recommendations, (3) training and competency assessment, and (4) quality assurance. Read more here.