Call for Papers: Two Upcoming JASE Focus Issues Submission Deadlines in August

The Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography (JASE) is accepting submissions for two special Focus Issues: Right Heart and Pulmonary Hypertension and Diastolic Function. We invite you to submit original research studies, reviews, letters, and brief research communications on any aspect of echocardiography in the assessment of either the right heart and pulmonary hypertension or diastolic function. These issues will be published in early 2025 alongside ASE’s new guidelines on each respective topic. In line with our core values at JASE, we welcome multi-disciplinary collaborations (e.g. sonographers, nurses, physicians, scientists).

Submissions for the Right Heart and Pulmonary Hypertension Focus Issue are due to the JASE Editorial Manger by August 1, 2024. Please note in your cover letter that the submission is for the Right Heart Issue.

Submissions for the Diastolic Function Focus Issue are due to the JASE Editorial Manager by August 30, 2024. Please note in your cover letter that the submission is for the Diastolic Function Issue.

Questions? Email ASE’s Director of Publications Debbie Meyer.

ASE Leadership Academy Cohort 4 Applications Are Due Next Week Deadline August 1

Are you or someone you know interested in becoming a future ASE leader? Apply now for a spot in the 2024-2026 ASE Leadership Academy. Applications and recommendation letters will be accepted through August 1, 2024.

ASE is committed to the professional growth of its members, and this program provides a unique opportunity for members to increase their knowledge and develop skills that will help them be successful leaders throughout their careers. Over 19 months, participants will be paired with a senior adviser and gain access to high quality online tutorials on leadership, valued at over $7,500! Questions? Email

Read what Cohort 3 graduates had to say about this unique ASE program!

The ASE 2024 Scientific Sessions: Online Library is Now Available

The ASE 2024 Scientific Sessions: Online Library is available to purchase in the ASE Learning Hub. Get unlimited online access for three years to recordings from the main six rooms from this year’s Scientific Sessions. The Library includes special sessions like the Echo World Cup; ShowCASE; and the Young Investigator’s and Sonographer Research Award Competitions. As a sneak peak, you can view the Feigenbaum and Edler lectures on ASE’s YouTube channel today. Live audio, screen capture with animation, mouse pointer, and embedded videos will be included from all sessions (excluding the DIY Workshops and Learning Labs). This product does not offer CME/MOC credit.

ASE members save $100! Remember to log in to your ASE Member Portal to receive the discounted member price of $299 ($399 for nonmembers)!

Submit Your Images for the 2025 Image Calendar by August 7

The ASE Echo Image Calendar is a popular member renewal gift showcasing unique cardiovascular images captured by ASE members. Now through August 7, ASE members are encouraged to submit their echo images for the 2025 Image Calendar Contest!

How to Upload Your Echo Images
  1. Log in to Connect@ASE using your ASE username (email address) and password.
  2. Using the left navigation, scroll to Libraries and click Image Library.
  3. Click the folder named ASE 2025 Calendar Contest.
  4. Click Upload Resource under Folder Contents to upload your image(s). Image file size cannot exceed 30 MB. Remember to include a title and brief description of your image(s).
You can upload as many images as you would like, but only one image per member will be featured in the calendar. Voting for the images to be included in the colorful, 12-month calendar will begin on August 8 and end on September 9.

ASE Welcomes University of Kentucky HealthCare Gill Heart & Vascular Institute to the ImageGuideEcho™ Registry

The University of Kentucky HealthCare Gill Heart & Vascular Institute is the latest institution to join ASE’s ImageGuideEcho™ Registry, the nation’s first echo-specific clinical data registry for quality improvement. The University of Kentucky makes the fifth institution to join the Registry in the last year.
ASE members may participate in the ImageGuideEcho Registry for FREE. For more information about how your institution can enroll, email or call 919-297-7174.

Registration is NOW OPEN for the 3rd Annual Echo in PCHD Virtual Experience October 26-27, 2024

You can now register for the 3rd Annual Echo in Pediatric & Congenital Heart Disease Echo Access Virtual Experience, which will take place October 26-27, 2024. This two-day virtual course will present the latest information on established and emerging cardiovascular ultrasound technologies, clinical care, and practical considerations in children and adults with congenital heart disease.
Expert physician and sonographer faculty, led by Course Co-Chairs Melissa Wasserman, RDCS, RCCS, FASE, and Shiraz Maskatia, MD, FASE, will discuss current technologies with a particular focus on how they can be effectively applied in the clinical setting. Faculty will be joining live to answer participant questions during dedicated Question and Answer time for each session. Participants can earn up to 13 CME/MOC credits. Remember to log in to your ASE Member Portal before accessing the Learning Hub to receive your member discount on registration.

Authors Go the Extra Mile in July CASE

The latest issue of CASE is now available with intriguing reports, including “Aortic Valve Vegetation due to Nonbacterial Thrombotic Endocarditis in a Patient with Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome.” CASE Editor-in-Chief Vincent Sorrell, MD, FASE, remarked, “In this very well-described CASE from Bahar et al., the authors highlight a unique presentation of an AV vegetation due to NBTE in a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus and antiphospholipid antibody syndrome. This patient had a cerebrovascular event months after the echo confirmed resolution of the AV vegetation, and I think this complication helps inform the readers regarding the challenging management of these patients. They describe the published limitations of this pathology and emphasize that despite a carefully planned approach to care, the prevention of thromboembolic events remains extremely challenging. They conclude by reminding each of us that these patients should be closely followed for potential complications.”

In addition to that Cardiac Tumors and Pseudotumors report, Hazaveh et al. present stellar TTE and TEE images to educate readers on intravenous leiomyomatosis and how to examine this pathology. Just Another Day in the Echo Lab tells the tale of an altered color flow Doppler pattern that led to the discovery of a rare cardiac Rosai-Dorfman diagnosis—just one reported at approximately three per one million people. Some superb 2D and 3D TEE images demonstrate an unusual presentation of an isolated pulmonic valve infective endocarditis in Infections in the Heart. To round out this issue, a Veterinary Clinical Cardiovascular Medicine report illustrates the multimodality imaging approach that accomplished the difficult diagnosis of a doubly committed juxta arterial VSD in a goat.

As Dr. Sorrell’s editorial notes, there are many options to get your news these days; CASE will continue striving to provide high-quality images and new educational viewpoints to drive your learning and add valuable insights to the field of cardiovascular ultrasound.

Looking for a journal to submit your case report to? We want to hear from you! Email us with questions or submit your report today.

JUST RELEASED: PCHD Microlessons Module 2

The PCHD Microlessons are short web-based, micro-learning activities offering a quick and easy way to access targeted learning sessions on pediatric and congenital heart disease. Module 1 was released earlier this year, and now Module 2 is available for purchase in ASE’s Learning Hub!
The complete educational online course will consist of a collection of Modules—each containing lectures, animated videos, questions, and case discussions on 10 original PCHD topics. Modules will be released quarterly throughout the year, and Module 2 includes these topics:
  • Imaging of Tetralogy of Fallot
  • Imaging of Ventricular Septal Defects
Course content is intended for all levels of learners, but is primarily designed for sonography students, fellows-in-training, and early-career sonographers. Additionally, more advanced material is also available for early- and mid-career physicians and sonographers. Earn 3.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ for completing Module 2. Remember to log in to your ASE Member Portal before purchasing to receive the discounted member price.

Two ASE 2024 Education Opportunities Still Available

Purchase the ASE 2024 Scientific Sessions: Online Library now in the ASE Learning Hub, so it will already be in your Learning Center when the content becomes available on July 24. The Library offers unlimited online access for three years to all recordings from the ASE 2024 Scientific Sessions in Portland, Oregon. Live audio, screen capture with animation, mouse pointer, and embedded videos will be included from all sessions (excluding Learning Labs and DIY Workshops). Remember to log in to your ASE Member Portal to receive the discounted member price of $299! This product does not offer CME/MOC credit.
Additionally, you can still register for this year’s 35th Annual Scientific Sessions Virtual Experience until the end of the month. Register for ASE 2024 Virtual Experience through June 30, 2024, to gain access to more than 40 sessions that were live streamed during ASE 2024. Virtual attendees can earn a maximum of 19.5 CME/MOC points for watching the recorded sessions. The virtual program will be available through the Whova app, the official ASE 2024 program app, through July 16. View the Virtual Program and register today!

Submit ASE 2025 Session Proposals

Planning for ASE 2025 is already underway! ASE’s 36th Annual Scientific Sessions will be held in downtown Nashville, Tennessee, September 5-7, 2025, and will celebrate ASE’s 50th anniversary. On behalf of the ASE 2025 Program Committee and ASE Leadership, we invite you to submit one session proposal for consideration for inclusion in next year’s Scientific Sessions program.
All fields must be completed for consideration. A complete session proposal must include:
  • Session title
  • Two co-chairs with alternates
  • Speakers with alternates
  • Presentation titles
  • Presentation formats
The deadline to submit ASE 2025 Session Proposals is July 15, 2024.