Happy Medical Ultrasound Awareness Month!

October is Medical Ultrasound Awareness Month (MUAM)! During MUAM, ASE will share #ILookLikeASonographer social media posts celebrating our sonographer members and increasing awareness about this important and rewarding profession. Since its inception, ASE has included sonographer members in its leadership and valued the teamwork necessary between physicians and sonographers to provide the best patient care.

Leaves Are Falling, October JASE Is Calling

The October issue of JASE includes, “Artificial Intelligence–Assisted Left Ventricular Diastolic Function Assessment and Grading: Multiview Versus Single View.” Editor-in-Chief Patricia Pellikka, MD, FASE, remarks, “In this interesting work, Chen et al. applied AI to an important clinical need, namely the assessment of diastolic function. Read about the three approaches that they used which involved single and multiple echocardiographic views, with and without LA and LV strain.”

This issue contains another clinical investigation relating to LV diastolic function assessment with AI as well as a multitude of other reports covering 3D TEE, stress echo, echo in congenital heart disease, and fetal echo. Additionally, this issue offers an in-depth look at myocardial work through a state-of-the-art review and two clinical investigations, including one on its role in apical hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Readers can look forward to learning if ChatGPT can read an echocardiogram in the 24th Annual Feigenbaum Lecture. Three brief research communications include reports on the association between blood pressure control and global longitudinal strain in patients with HER2-positive breast cancer on Trastuzumab-based regimens, RV remodeling in elite basketball athletes, and measures of acceleration time and ejection time in bicuspid aortic stenosis.

Dr. Pellikka’s editorial defines this issue’s focus topic, myocardial work, summarizing various research in the current and previous publications of JASE that can impart a greater understanding of this important echocardiographic metric. Dr. Eidem’s exploration of ASE’s core values continues with this month’s President’s Message, featuring an update on the implementation of ASE Cares from former ASE President Madhav Swaminathan, MD, MMCi, FASE. Christopher P. Appleton, MD, FASE, and Jae K. Oh, MD, FASE, have contributed a beautiful In Memoriam to their friend and colleague, Liv K. Hatle, MD, FASE, a widely respected pioneer in Doppler echocardiography and the global cardiology community, who passed away in June. This issue also contains photo highlights from the 34th Annual ASE Scientific Sessions. Please see the October ASE Education Calendar for a listing of educational opportunities far and wide.

Read the September Echo Magazine

The September 2023 Echo magazine is now online! This issue contains interesting articles written by ASE members, including:

Published monthly, Echo magazine offers an outlet for ASE members to contribute articles or images related to cardiovascular ultrasound that are not research related. The article submission deadline for the December 2023 issue is October 15. Review author submission guideline requirements and read past issues at ASEcho.org/EchoMagazine. Email Echo@ASEcho.org with questions.

Echo VOL | 12 Issue 9

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New Language Translations for Two ASE Guidelines 

Goal 4 of ASE’s 2020-2025 Strategic Goals states, “ASE is a growing organization and recognized as the world’s leading voice in cardiovascular ultrasound.” One way we are fulfilling that goal is by making ASE Guidelines available to a larger audience by offering additional language translations.

The Recommended Standards for the Performance of Transesophageal Echocardiographic Screening for Structural Heart Intervention is now also available in Spanish, and the Recommendations for Multimodality Cardiovascular Imaging of Patients with Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy has been translated to Chinese.

ASE’s Guidelines webpage offers many different filtering capabilities, including by language. There are currently eight language filter options available. Additionally, the language filter can be used individually or in combination with other filters, such as topic, publication year, or author. Contact Guidelines@ASEcho.org with questions.

Automatically Renew Your ASE Membership

The 2024 ASE member renewal season is here! Did you know that ASE has an auto-renewal feature that is a convenient way to avoid a lapse in your membership and have uninterrupted access to all your ASE benefits? When you renew your membership this year, follow the steps below to sign up. Next year on November 1, 2024, ASE will charge your saved payment method with your membership renewal.*

First, add or update your payment method:

  • Log in to your Member Portal, and click My Saved Payment Methods along the left-hand side.
  • Select the + New Credit Card button, and enter your card information.
  • Click Save.

Then, proceed to renewing your 2024 membership and sign up for auto-renewal:

  • Select Renew Your Membership on the left navigation.
  • Click the Renew button to renew your membership.
  • Check the Sign-up for Auto Renewal box, and then click the Renew button.

All payment information is securely protected. Please contact ASE with questions regarding this process. You can also sign up for auto renewal by phone at 919-861-5574 or by email at ASE@ASEcho.org.

*To sign up for automatic renewal, you must complete the renewal process and renew your ASE membership for 2024. You can cancel auto-renewal at any time.

Call for Nominations for ASE Leadership Positions are Now Open

Now is your opportunity to become a leader in ASE! We are seeking the best and brightest members to move forward the mission and goals of the Society and the ASE Foundation. We are accepting nominations for available positions on the ASE Executive CommitteeASE Board of DirectorsASE Foundation Board of Directors, and ASE Council Steering Committees. If you are an active member and meet the criteria outlined for the position, ask a friend or colleague who is also an ASE member to submit a nomination on your behalf. The deadline for candidates to submit all required materials is November 30, 2023 (no exceptions).

All positions are open to any member regardless of their specialty, and ASE is looking for a diverse pool of nominees. Contact Nominations@ASEcho.org with questions.

The Pressure Is On: September CASE

The latest issue of CASE is now available with seven fascinating reports, including “Cysts Around the Heart: Differential Diagnosis and Multimodality Imaging Strategies for Paracardiac Cysts” by Maidman et al. CASE Editor-in-Chief, Vincent L. Sorrell, MD, FASE, remarked, “CASE specializes in providing readers with real-life CV imaging examples that can be used to help you better diagnose and manage your patients. Our goal, as we work with authors during the editorial review process to create educationally meaningful images, is to provide you with common presentations of uncommon diseases and uncommon presentations of common diseases. The CASE series by Maidman et al. fulfills this goal and offers readers a reference guide to be kept in their echo lab for future use. Paracardiac cysts are very common, but their differential is diverse, making them difficult to accurately diagnose. These authors did a fabulous job of including the echocardiographic findings of the most common paracardiac cysts. The accompanying correlative images demonstrate the value of ultrasound enhancing agents, 3D echo, and tomographic imaging. Additionally, the authors created a table of the most common discriminatory echo characteristics to guide your interpretation. This is yet another CASE report that should be added to your Echo Lab CASE Files!”

This issue contains a second case in Multimodality Imaging, featuring a variety of images and tissue characteristic patterns for the diagnosis of an underlying idiopathic etiology in a patient with an LV apical aneurysm. A stunning case of a spontaneous coronary sinus thrombosis in Cardiac Tumors and Pseudotumors accompanies two astute reports in each of the Atypical Presentations of Heart Disease and Just Another Day in the Echo Lab categories, including one on a patient with a classic clinical presentation of vasculitis who later obtains the unexpected diagnosis of infective endocarditis. Dr. Sorrell’s editorial serves as a reminder of the continued importance in considering hemodynamic setting at the time of echo acquisition.

Looking for a journal to submit your case report to? We want to hear from you! Email us with questions or submit your report today. Be sure to check out the latest Sonographer Sound-Off and Unlock the CASE features on the CASE Homepage to view more extraordinary work from your colleagues.

Exemplar JASE Issue for September

The September issue of JASE includes, “A Practical Approach to Echocardiographic Imaging in Patients With Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy.” Author Dermot Phelan, MD, PhD, FASE, remarks, “Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, often undetected or misdiagnosed, exhibits varied phenotypic expression. Echocardiography is pivotal for diagnosis, risk assessment, and management. Due to variable phenotypic manifestations and dynamic pathophysiology, specific imaging protocols are crucial; this article offers a practical guide, encompassing image optimization, measurement accuracy, clinical data inclusion, and how to address specialized clinical scenarios.”

This issue contains a multitude of clinical investigations on topics ranging from risk assessment with imaging in acute pulmonary embolism, to atrial mechanics for prediction of atrial fibrillation recurrence, to TEE imaging of the mitral valve, to the use of AI in the detection of RV dysfunction. Editorial comments accompany articles on biplane imaging and progress toward prognosis in patients with pulmonary embolism. Additionally, readers can look forward to two state-of-the-art reviews—one investigates key factors in the TEE diagnosis of PFO while another presents an echocardiographic evaluation of pulmonary embolism. Brief research communications include reports on prognosis predictors in patients with secondary mitral regurgitation undergoing mitral valve transcatheter edge-to-edge repair as well as a comparison of bedside automated function imaging and offline clinical workstation software in the biventricular deformation assessment of neonates.

Moreover, ASE has six core values that Dr. Eidem intends to expound upon in his future President’s Messages. Read along as he first examines the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion in ASE’s efforts of bettering the field of cardiovascular ultrasound. Please see the September ASE Education Calendar for a listing of educational opportunities far and wide.

Submit Your ASE 2024 Session Proposal by this Friday, September 1

Planning is underway for the ASE’s 35th Annual Scientific Sessions (ASE 2024) which will be held in Portland, Oregon, from Friday, June 14 – Sunday, June 16, 2024. On behalf of the ASE 2024 Program Committee and ASE Leadership, we invite you to submit one session proposal for consideration for inclusion in this Annual Scientific Session program.

Please note that submissions must be received by Friday, September 1, 2023, to be eligible for consideration in the ASE 2024 Annual Scientific Sessions. Late submissions will not be accepted.

Submission Process

  • Submit your proposal using the Session Proposal Form.
  • Identify your organization / institution.
  • State the learning gap that your session is addressing.
  • Explain your vision for the session.

We look forward to hearing from you!