Final Week to Save Up to $225 on 2024 Echo Hawaii Registration

Early Registration Rates End December 14

ASE’s 33rd Annual Echo Hawaii™ is quickly approaching, and so is the early registration deadline! Register by Thursday, December 14, 2023, to receive the best price. This year’s live, in-person course will take place January 15-19, 2024, and for the first time, will be held at the Fairmont Orchid.

Attending Echo Hawaii is as easy as 1, 2, 3!

  1. Register online. Remember to log in to the ASE Member Portal before purchasing to ensure you receive your member discount.
  2. Book your accommodations! ASE has secured a block of discounted rooms at the Fairmont Orchid.
  3. Download the Advance Program and see all the educational sessions that will be offered by expert faculty.

Join colleagues, friends, and fellow echo enthusiasts to learn the latest information on established and emerging cardiovascular ultrasound technologies in a beautiful and relaxing environment at Echo Hawaii!

2024 Student Travel Grant and Scholarship Applications Are Due December 30

Sonography students enrolled in an accredited CAAHEP cardiovascular ultrasound program are encouraged to apply for the 2024 Feigenbaum Cardiovascular Student Travel Grant. Supported by a grant from Elsevier, Inc. to honor Dr. Harvey Feigenbaum’s commitment and tenure as the Founding Editor of JASE, this grant provides a $1,000 USD travel grant to assist the recipient in attending ASE’s Annual Scientific Sessions or another ASE-sponsored 2024 educational program. Full nomination criteria can be found here. Applications are due December 30.

Sonography students nominated for a 2024 Alan D. Waggoner, MHS, RDCS, FASE Sonographer Student Scholarship Award have until December 30 to complete the Student Nominee Application Form. Contact the Foundation with any questions at

Happy Birthday to Harvey Feigenbaum, MD, FASE

Dr. Feigenbaum, ASE’s Founder and first President, recently celebrated his 90th birthday on November 20. There was a celebration held for him in Indianapolis, Indiana, on December 2 where many ASE luminaries were in attendance. Michael Picard, MD, FASE, shared this sentiment: “I was privileged to have been invited to the 90th birthday party that was held in Indianapolis to honor Dr Feigenbaum. It was really a special night. In addition to remarks by ASE members Drs. Stephen Sawada, MD, FASE, and William Armstrong, MD, there were tributes from ASE Past Presidents Drs. Anthony DeMaria, MD, FASEAlan Pearlman, MD, FASE; and Thomas Ryan, MD, FASE. Dr. Feigenbaum topped off the evening by relating some of the unexpected and unpredictable events that had to occur for him to have had his illustrious career.”

If you haven’t already, join us in wishing Dr. Feigenbaum a Happy Birthday on the post made on X on November 20.

A Year to Remember: December JASE


The December issue of JASE includes, “Insights Into the Standard Echocardiographic Views From Multimodality Imaging: Ventricles, Pericardium, Valves, and Atria.” Editor-in Chief, Patricia Pellikka, MD, FASE, remarks, “This well-illustrated report presents standard echocardiographic images alongside tomographic views from cardiac computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging, highlighting important features of cardiac anatomy.”

In addition to that report on imaging strategies, this issue contains three clinical investigations with research on LV strain in early cardiac amyloidosis, discordance between intraprocedural echocardiographic and invasive aortic valve gradients, and RV mechanics after tetralogy of Fallot repair. Readers can look forward to the Multimodality Imaging for Cardiac Surveillance of Cancer Treatment in Children: Recommendations From the American Society of Echocardiography as well as a state-of-the-art review using multimodality imaging to differentiate constrictive pericarditis from restrictive cardiomyopathy. Four brief research communications include reports on low-flow, low-gradient aortic stenosis assessment, the impact of suggesting the possible diagnosis of the cardiac amyloidosis by echocardiography on downstream testing, an electronic health record tool that identifies echos that may not impact clinical care, and a novel report about why LV ejection fraction should not be visually estimated.

Dr. Eidem’s President’s Message features an update on ASEF’s accomplishments and strategic vision from ASEF Board Chair and ASE 2023 Scientific Sessions Chair James Kirkpatrick, MD, FASE. Please see the December ASE Education Calendar for a listing of educational opportunities far and wide.

Access GE Healthcare’s Strain Imaging in Echocardiography Series in the ASE Learning Hub

This activity has received a 5-star user rating!

ASE is pleased to announce that the full series of 10 episodes of GE Healthcare Vivid Learning Academy’s “Strain Imaging in Echocardiography” is now available in the ASE Learning Hub.

This resource is free to all active ASE members to access for the next two years. The series features pioneers in the field of strain imaging sharing their experience, as well as tips and tricks. Episodes range from basics and applications to using strain in disease diagnosis.

If You Have Not Yet Renewed Your Membership for 2024, Now is the Time!

There is approximately one month left to renew your ASE membership for 2024! ASE offers three easy ways to renew:

  1. Online: Log in to your ASE Member Portal.
  2. Electronic or Mailed Invoice: Check your email inbox and mailbox for electronic and mailed invoices next week.
  3. Phone: Call 919-861-5574 and press “1” for the Membership Department.

If you need assistance with renewing your membership, please contact the ASE Membership Department by email or using the phone number listed above. Additional information for renewing your membership can be found at

P.S. If you renew before December 31, 2023, you will receive a special 2024 ASE Echo Image Calendar!

Read the November Echo Magazine

The November 2023 Echo magazine is now online! This issue contains interesting articles written by ASE members, including:

Published monthly, Echo magazine offers an outlet for ASE members to contribute articles or images related to cardiovascular ultrasound that are not research-related. We are already accepting article submissions for next year! The deadline to submit articles for the February 2024 issue is December 15. Review author submission guideline requirements and read past issues at Email

GivingTuesday 2023 Update: Donate through Dec. 2

The ASE Foundation is ecstatic to share that as of 3:00 PM this afternoon, 96 people have already contributed to our GivingTuesday fundraiser and so far, we have raised $34,306. Thank you very much for showing your support of the ASE Foundation. We are accepting donations until December 2, so if you haven’t done so yet – it’s not too late to donate!

We would like to extend a special thank you to our GivingTuesday champions whose early pledges totaled over $4,000, helping to kick off our fundraiser: Karla Kurrelmeyer, MD, FASEBharatbhushan Patel, RDCS, RVS, RDMS, FASENeha Soni-Patel, MEd, BSME, RCCS, RDCS (AE/PE), FASEAndrea Van Hoever, MSGH; and Susan Wiegers, MD, FASE. And a special thank you to the Patel Family Foundation for their generous contribution of $10,000!

When you give, let us know what inspired your contribution on social media. Remember to tag @ASE360 and include #GivingTuesday. Thank you for showing us that supporting the future of cardiovascular ultrasound is #YourPriority. Together, we will continue to make a world of difference.

Echo VOL | 12 Issue 11

View Issue Larger | Download (PDF)

Need to Earn CME/MOC Before the End of the Year?

The end-of-year CME/MOC submission deadline is fast approaching! ASE’s accredited activities provide MOC points that meet ABIM, ABA, and ABP Maintenance of Certification program requirements and ARDMS and CCI registry requirements. As a benefit of ASE membership, you have access to over 25 free CME/MOC activities AND we will automatically transfer your CME credits to your specialty board. 

For credits or points to be counted towards the 2023 year, activities must be completed no later than December 1, 2023 for ABP and December 31, 2023 for ABA, ABIM, ARDMS, and CCI.

Don’t wait until the end of the year. Check your specialty board account online and make sure your ASE credits have been successfully transferred.

If you need CME credits or MOC points, log in to the ASE Learning Hub and start earning credits today.

Please email for questions or assistance.