New Year, New Research: January JASE

The January issue of JASE includes, “Guidelines for the Evaluation of Prosthetic Valve Function With Cardiovascular Imaging: A Report From the American Society of Echocardiography Developed in Collaboration With the Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance and the Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography.” Author William A. Zoghbi, MD, FASE, remarks, “This new guideline on prosthetic valves is very much needed, as the field has changed so much since 2009, with the introduction of percutaneous valves and improvements in 3D echocardiography and multimodality imaging. The guideline is comprehensive and provides a pragmatic approach to the evaluation of prosthetic valve function with echocardiography and details the role of advanced imaging with cardiac CT and MRI.”

Additionally, this issue contains a clinical investigation evaluating the relationship of ventricular strain pattern and the need for a pacemaker after aortic valve replacement, and another assessing resting LV strain and ischemia on stress echo. A preclinical investigation assesses the impact of atherosclerotic risk factors on therapeutic cavitation. Readers can look forward to a state-of-the-art review on the pathophysiology and clinical utility of strain assessment in aortic stenosis. Three brief research communications include reports on gaps in contemporary echo reporting quality for mechanisms of mitral regurgitation, variations in interventional echo radiation exposure based on procedure type and modality, and the effectiveness of audio output from an AI method for layperson recognition of pulmonary edema or COVID lung infection on ultrasound images. One correspondence on TEE imaging approaches for identifying mitral valve anatomy is also included.

Dr. Pellikka’s editorial reflects on the hard work contributed by the entire JASE team and lists the top reviewers and guest editors of the journal in 2023. Dr. Eidem’s President’s Message features an update from the respective editors of each of ASE’s three flagship journals: Echo Magazine, CASE, and JASE, which all issue new content each month. Please see the January ASE Education Calendar for a listing of educational opportunities far and wide.

Final Reminder: 2024 Student Travel Grant and Scholarship Applications are Due December 30

Sonography students enrolled in an accredited CAAHEP cardiovascular ultrasound program have three days left to apply for the 2024 Feigenbaum Cardiovascular Student Travel Grant. Supported by a grant to the ASE Foundation from Elsevier, Inc. to honor Dr. Harvey Feigenbaum’s commitment and tenure as the Founding Editor of JASE, this grant provides a $1,000 USD travel grant to assist the recipient in attending ASE’s Annual Scientific Sessions or another ASE-sponsored 2024 educational program. Full nomination criteria can be found here. Applications are due December 30.

Sonography students nominated for a 2024 Alan D. Waggoner, MHS, RDCS, FASE Sonographer Student Scholarship Award have until December 30 to complete the Student Nominee Application Form. Contact the Foundation with any questions at

Only 3 Days Left to Renew Your ASE Membership!

If you’ve already renewed your ASE membership for 2024, thank you! Not yet renewed? Your active status will expire on December 31, 2023. Avoid a lapse in your membership and renew today!

  1. Renew online in your ASE Member Portal.
  2. Request a renewal link by email to renew online (
  3. Call the ASE Membership Department directly at 919-861-5574 (Press 1 for the Membership Department). NOTE: ASE Headquarters is closed December 29.

Thank you for choosing to be a member of ASE, and we look forward to continuing to serve you in 2024!

There’s Still Time… But Not Much!

The end of the year is only days away, which means the opportunity to contribute to the ASE Foundation’s 2023 Annual Appeal is almost over. While we are ecstatic to say that as of December 25, we have reached our $200,000 goal having raised $233,164—we are not stopping there! You can still support the Foundation and directly impact next year’s work with a donation by December 31.

Every dollar donated to the ASE Foundation will be used towards charitable projects in 2024. Projects like, student scholarships, global health outreach events, and research, to name a few. If supporting initiatives like these are important to you, you still have the chance to join the more than 1,600 people who have already donated this year.

Remember the deadline! The last day to contribute to the ASE Foundation’s 2023 Annual Appeal is December 31. Thank you for your support—you are what makes us successful!

Read the December Echo Magazine

The December 2023 Echo magazine is now online! This issue contains interesting articles written by ASE members, including:

Each monthly issue includes articles or images related to cardiovascular ultrasound that are not research-related, as well as communications from the ASE President, Councils, Specialty Interest Groups, and the ASE education calendar. All active ASE members are eligible to submit articles to the Echo magazine. The submission deadline for the March 2024 issue is January 15. Email with questions.

Echo VOL | 12 Issue 12

View Issue Larger | Download (PDF)

December CASE: A Flourishing Finale

The latest issue of CASE is now available with intriguing reports, including “Two- and Three-Dimensional Transesophageal Echocardiographic Detection of Aortic Dissection Rupture With Extension of Dissection Into the Pulmonary Artery” by Nooli et al. Author Nishank P. Nooli, MD, FASE, remarked, “We present a unique case with combined type 1 aortic and pulmonary artery dissection, wherein both 2D and 3D TEE revealed a rupture of the ascending aortic false lumen into the main pulmonary artery. The dissection flaps within the pulmonary artery were distinctly observed, indicating a continuous connection with and extension from the aortic false lumen. Thus, unlike other cases reported in the literature, echocardiography provided a definitive diagnosis of pulmonary artery dissection resulting from aortic dissection rupture.”

In a second Venous and Arterial Diseases report, authors examine reasons for a patient’s iliac stent migration and include image-guided clinical assessment to consider during treatment. This issue presents two cases in Valvular Heart Disease, including a fetal echo discovery of a rare absent pulmonary valve in a patient with tricuspid atresia, as well as a report with some remarkable videos on an unusual cause of aortic regurgitation in a patient with a sinus of Valsalva aneurysm. Cardiac Tumors and Pseudotumors offers two reports, one highlighting a very rare cause for a stroke with a thrombus on the subvalvular aspect of the mitral valve, and another discussing the role of multimodality imaging in two different clinical presentations of Loeffler endocarditis. The Hemodynamic Corner contains a report using Doppler echo to demonstrate the negative physiologic impact of an intra-aortic balloon pump device in a patient with stress cardiomyopathy and HCM with obstruction.

Dr. Sorrell’s editorial recognizes the important contributions of sonographers to both CASE and the Society as a whole, while also addressing some of the insightful sonographer-submitted questions posed during his time as editor-in-chief.

Looking for a journal to submit your case report to? We want to hear from you! Email us with questions or submit your report today. Be sure to check out the latest Sonographer Sound-Off and Unlock the CASE features on the CASE Homepage to view more extraordinary work from your colleagues.

Available Now: New Cardiac Amyloidosis Poster

Download a PDF of the Poster for FREE

Download the free Echocardiography for Cardiac Amyloidosis poster, produced by ASE in collaboration with Pfizer. This new poster, which was created from an article published in JASE, focuses on the common echocardiographic imaging findings of cardiac amyloidosis (CA) and highlights red flags that should raise suspicion for the diagnosis. Additionally, it offers practical tips for image acquisition and interpretation and outlines recommendations for standard reporting of an echocardiogram in a patient with CA.

Access all of ASE’s resources on Echocardiography and Amyloidosis.

Submit ASE 2024 Abstracts through January 24, 2024

Submit your abstract of original science or clinical case report to be considered for presentation at the premier cardiovascular ultrasound conference of the year, the 35th Annual ASE Scientific Sessions, June 14-16, 2024, in Portland, Oregon.

ASE abstract presenters benefit from dedicated viewing times, a global audience that promotes future collaborative work, eligibility for travel support, and discounted conference registration rates. Accepted abstracts are published in JASE. Share your important findings with fellow investigators and colleagues, and interact with global leaders in the field. Questions? Visit our Guidelines for Abstract Preparation and Submission or FAQ pages for general information. 

Volunteer to Serve on an ASE Committee

The application is open through January 5, 2024

Now is the time to apply to become an ASE Committee volunteerOne benefit of your ASE membership is the ability to get involved with the Society and play an active role in shaping the field of cardiovascular ultrasound.

Follow these steps to complete the Committee Interest Application:

  1. Log in to your ASE Member Portal
  2. Click “Membership” from the top menu bar
  3. Select “Volunteering” to access the “Committee Interest Application

ASE volunteer groups, like Committees, are comprised of current members who volunteer to help set standards, develop products, create courses, direct subspecialty activities, advocate for echocardiography, and more! Additionally, your participation offers the opportunity for personal development and connections with others in the field. The term of service for new appointments will be July 2024 – June 2026. Questions? Contact