An upcoming guideline from the American Society of Echocardiography (ASE) is accepting public comments regarding the, “Guidelines for the Standardization of Adult Echocardiographic Reporting: Recommendations for the American Society of Echocardiography“. This document provides an update to the previously published 2002 guideline on the required components for a comprehensive echocardiography report. Once the guideline is completed, it will be published in the Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography.
Guideline Overview:
This document focuses on the final phases of the imaging life cycle, specifically reporting and communicating exam results. Additionally, this guideline delineates core measurements and statements applicable to transthoracic, transesophageal, and stress echocardiography. It also elucidates abbreviations, acronyms, terminology, and definitions to enhance communication across various echocardiography (echo) labs, institutions, and healthcare systems.
Public Comment Purpose:
The aim of the public comment period is to offer involvement and engagement in the guideline development process. This will help ensure that our guideline recommendations provides comprehensive standardization of adult echocardiographic reporting.
The authors and The American Society Echocardiography (ASE) seek feedback from our constituents to gain impartial input regarding key recommendations.
Disclaimer: All documents and materials produced by ASE are protected under intellectual property rights. Unauthorized distribution, duplication, or use of any such materials is strictly prohibited.
The manuscript and tables are Copyright ©️ 2025 American Society of Echocardiography. All Rights Reserved.
Instructions for Submitting Comments:
- Deadline: All comments must be received by March 31, 2025. Comments received after March 31st will not be accepted.
- Anonymity: All comments received will remain anonymous.
- Do not distribute or publish: This guideline is confidential and embargoed until publication.
- Eligibility: ASE Members, Members of Collaborating Societies, and Industry Partners
- Format: Limit responses to 250 characters per question
- Submission Methods:
- Comments may be submitted electronically ONLY through this Public Comment Form.
- Comments will not be accepted by email.
- You will not receive a response to your comments.
- Comments received by March 31st will be carefully considered, however, there is no guarantee that comments will be included in the guideline.
- Content:
- This document is a DRAFT. Please refrain from grammatical and/or editorial comments.
- Do not leave any questions blank. Insert ‘N/A’ if you choose not to answer a question.
- Be respectful and constructive in your responses.
- Focus on the specific issues.
- Provide any supporting information (e.g., scholarly literature) that can help us understand your perspective.
- Confidentiality: We reserve the right to make comments public, therefore, refrain from including personal or classified information.
- Citations: Comments that include non-scholarly or unpublished documents will not be accepted.
- Submission: Click the ‘Submit’ button at the bottom of the form once you have completed the questionnaire.
Draft to Review:Adult Echo Reporting Standard GL_Public Comment
Tables referenced in Draft:
Adult Echo Reporting Standard GL Tables_Public Comment
ASE thanks you for your participation!
NOTE: If you have trouble responding to the public comment form please email