Apply for Co-Director of Echo Hawaii or Co-Chair Positions for ASE’s Virtual Courses

Application Deadline: March 24th 

Along with Course Directors and Chairs, Course Co-Directors and Co-Chairs are instrumental in the implementation and success of live and virtual courses. All applications for available positions can be submitted now through March 24th. The ASE Education Committee will review applications and make recommendations to the ASE Executive Committee, who will make the final selection on April 8th.

ASE Course Co-Director Application

It is current policy that the Co-Director becomes the Course Director after two years and will then serve as the Course Director for two years. The application process for Course Co-Director beginning in 2027 and serving through 2028 is now open for the following ASE courses:

  • Echo Hawaii

ASE Virtual Co-Chair Application

It is current policy that the Co-Chair becomes the Course Chair after one year, and then will serve as the Course Chair for one year. The application process for Course Co-Chair for 2027 is now open for the following ASE courses:

  • Advanced Imaging Techniques Virtual Experience
  • Echo in Pediatric & Congenital Heart Disease
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