Archives for January 2024

Present at ASE’s 35th Annual Scientific Sessions

Abstract Submission Deadline: January 24

Don’t miss the opportunity to present at the premier cardiovascular ultrasound educational event of the year, ASE 2024! The annual showcase of investigators from around the world presenting cutting-edge research on the latest advances in cardiovascular ultrasound and cases illustrating evolutions in patient care is a highlight of ASE’s Annual Scientific Sessions.

Visit the ASE 2024 Call for Science page to see the many benefits of abstract acceptance and to get started on your ASE 2024 Abstract Submission. The deadline to submit is 11:59 PM on January 24.

Less Than a Week Remains to Save Hundreds on 2024 SOTA Registration

Early Registration Ends January 16

Register by January 16 to receive the best price to attend ASE’s 36th Annual State-of-the-Art Echocardiography (SOTA)! Taking place in sunny Scottsdale, Arizona, SOTA’s 2024 program follows the themes of structural heart disease, myocardial and pericardial disease, coronary artery disease, and interventional echocardiography.

NEW in 2024!

  • Expanded Learning Lab: New topics include advanced hemodynamics, myocardial strain, and structural heart disease. Participants will perform 3D cropping, measurements such as left ventricular and right ventricular strain, left atrial strain, critical measurements for TAVR, TMVR, TEER, and left atrial appendage occluder. (A separate registration and additional fee is required.)
  • Case-based Learning: The course will include a special focus on hemodynamics, structural heart disease, interventional echocardiography, 3D echocardiography, strain imaging, and advanced diastolic function.
  • More opportunities to directly interact with faculty during and after the meeting.
  • Glimpse of the Future: Learn about the impact of artificial intelligence and machine learning in the field of echocardiography.

Register for the conference first, and then don’t forget to book your hotel reservation.

ASE Publishes Updated Guideline for Evaluating PHVs


Contact: Angie Porter

ASE Publishes Updated Guideline for Evaluating Prosthetic Heart Valves

The guideline focuses on the use of echocardiography and multimodality imaging in evaluating patients with significant cardiac valvular disease

(DURHAM, NC, January 8, 2024)—A new guideline from the American Society of Echocardiography (ASE) aims to provide clinicians with a comprehensive resource for evaluating prosthetic heart valves (PHVs). Guidelines for the Evaluation of Prosthetic Valve Function with Cardiovascular Imaging: A Report from the American Society of Echocardiography Developed in Collaboration with the Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance and the Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography replaces the Society’s original guideline published in 2009.

While many principles and recommendations detailed in ASE’s original guideline on PHVs are still current and valid, the document was published prior to several important developments, including the function of percutaneous valves, the use of three-dimensional (3D) echocardiography, and the role of computed tomography (CT) and cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) in the evaluation of PHVs.

“This new guideline on prosthetic valves was very much needed, as the field has changed so much since 2009, with the introduction of percutaneous valves and improvements in 3D echocardiography and multimodality imaging,” says Chair of the Guideline Writing Group Dr. William A. Zoghbi, Professor and Chairman of the Department of Cardiology at Houston Methodist Hospital in Texas. “It provides clinicians with a roadmap for evaluating PHVs, while aiming to improve patient care and outcomes in the field.”

Dr. Pei-Ni Jone, Co-Chair of the Guideline Writing Group and Director of the Echocardiography Laboratory at the Heart Center, as well as an Attending Physician in Cardiology at Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago, adds, “The new guideline provides the clinician with much-needed information on how to evaluate PHVs with cardiac ultrasound, particularly with the added value of 3D echocardiography, and when to use further imaging with cardiac CT or CMR.”

Echocardiography is the first-line modality used to assess prosthetic valve function in patients with significant cardiac valvular disease. However, recent advances in CT and CMR have enhanced their roles in evaluating valvular heart disease. This new guideline offers guidance on which imaging modality can be most helpful for each respective valve and includes the newest valves available.

Additionally, the guideline consolidates critical information gleaned from imaging into tables and key points, while also offering a review of the echocardiographic techniques used and providing recommendations and general guidelines for evaluating prosthetic valve structure, function and regurgitation.

The new guideline is published in the January 2024 issue of the Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography. All guidelines published by ASE are available at

About American Society of Echocardiography
The American Society of Echocardiography (ASE) is the Society for Cardiovascular Ultrasound Professionals™. ASE is the largest global organization for cardiovascular ultrasound imaging serving physicians, sonographers, nurses, veterinarians, and scientists and as such is the leader and advocate, setting practice standards and guidelines for the field. The Society is committed to advancing cardiovascular ultrasound to improve lives. For more information, visit the ASE website or social media pages on Facebook, X, LinkedIn, or Instagram.



ASE is Seeking Co-Director and Co-Chair Applications for Its Live In-Person and Virtual Courses

Submit an Application by February 12

Along with Course Directors and Chairs, Course Co-Directors and Co-Chairs are instrumental in the implementation and success of live and virtual courses. All applications for available positions can be submitted now through February 12. The ASE Education Committee will review applications and make recommendations to the ASE Executive Committee, who will make the final selection.

ASE Course Co-Director Application

It is current policy that the Co-Director becomes the Course Director after two years and will then serve as the Course Director for two years. The application process for Course Co-Director beginning in 2026 and serving through 2027 is now open for the following ASE courses:

  • Echo Hawaii
  • State-of-the-Art Echocardiography
  • Review Course Virtual Experience
  • Echo Florida

ASE Virtual Co-Chair Application

It is current policy that the Co-Chair becomes the Course Chair after one year, and then will serve as the Course Chair for one year. The application process applies to the following ASE virtual Courses:

  • Advanced Imaging Techniques Virtual Experience
  • Echo in Pediatric & Congenital Heart Disease

NOW OPEN: 2024 Review Course Registration

Registration for the 2024 ASCeXAM Review Course is now open! This virtual course is specifically designed to help you gain the knowledge you need to pass the ASCeXAM exam administered by the National Board of Echocardiography, Inc (NBE). NOTE: In 2024, NBE is launching a new longitudinal learning assessment, Maintenance of Certification in Echocardiography (MOCE), which will replace its 10-year recertification process (ReASCE). Candidates who pass any initial examination(s) this year will maintain their Diplomate status annually through MOCE the year after passing their examination(s). Learn more about NBE’s MOCE here.

You can register for ASE’s Review Course now. Then, registrants will receive online access to all course content beginning Monday, May 6, 2024. This course offers comprehensive echocardiography education that includes 28.75 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. As an ASE member, you receive reduced registration rates. Log in to your Member Portal before registering in the ASE Learning Hub. 

New Year, New Research: January JASE

The January issue of JASE includes, “Guidelines for the Evaluation of Prosthetic Valve Function With Cardiovascular Imaging: A Report From the American Society of Echocardiography Developed in Collaboration With the Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance and the Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography.” Author William A. Zoghbi, MD, FASE, remarks, “This new guideline on prosthetic valves is very much needed, as the field has changed so much since 2009, with the introduction of percutaneous valves and improvements in 3D echocardiography and multimodality imaging. The guideline is comprehensive and provides a pragmatic approach to the evaluation of prosthetic valve function with echocardiography and details the role of advanced imaging with cardiac CT and MRI.”

Additionally, this issue contains a clinical investigation evaluating the relationship of ventricular strain pattern and the need for a pacemaker after aortic valve replacement, and another assessing resting LV strain and ischemia on stress echo. A preclinical investigation assesses the impact of atherosclerotic risk factors on therapeutic cavitation. Readers can look forward to a state-of-the-art review on the pathophysiology and clinical utility of strain assessment in aortic stenosis. Three brief research communications include reports on gaps in contemporary echo reporting quality for mechanisms of mitral regurgitation, variations in interventional echo radiation exposure based on procedure type and modality, and the effectiveness of audio output from an AI method for layperson recognition of pulmonary edema or COVID lung infection on ultrasound images. One correspondence on TEE imaging approaches for identifying mitral valve anatomy is also included.

Dr. Pellikka’s editorial reflects on the hard work contributed by the entire JASE team and lists the top reviewers and guest editors of the journal in 2023. Dr. Eidem’s President’s Message features an update from the respective editors of each of ASE’s three flagship journals: Echo Magazine, CASE, and JASE, which all issue new content each month. Please see the January ASE Education Calendar for a listing of educational opportunities far and wide.